You Said Yes - New Believer Devo

This book helps new believers learn what their decision to follow Jesus means. Each day includes daily thoughts from the Bible and ways to put them into practice. The devo answers questions like “what does this mean,” “what should I do,” and “what does this change?” Use this tool to guide those beginning their journey of following Jesus.


1. Click on the the Unbranded/Editable version and download the booklet as a PDF, INDD, or IDML

2. Print Notes includes information necessary for printing the booklet in the recommended size

3. The Life.Church version showcases creative uses of QR codes and links that help new believers continue to make next steps. Use it for inspiration to add your own.

4. Additional Assets like the ai logo and graphics files can be found under 'Logos and Assets'

Get the special version designed for Church Online here: