How to Save the World (Easter) - The Loop Show, Unit 4
How to Save the World (Easter) - The Loop Show, Unit 4

This unit, unit 4 of The Loop Show is part of a larger 2-year curriculum. To view the entire preteen curriculum package, go to The Loop Show page!

We’ll learn all about grace in this series called How to Save the World

In our first week, students will learn what grace is (getting something good we don’t deserve). The next week, we’ll celebrate our resurrected King together! And students will learn how Jesus saved the whole world. We’ll celebrate the fact that God’s grace saves us from our sin. In the third and final week of our series, students will learn how to share the grace that God gives us with others!

Please note that the Week 2/Part 2 message is intended for Easter Weekend. The remaining two episodes can be rearranged to accommodate for this particular weekend.