The darkness you might feel looming over your life won’t last forever. Heartbreaks heal. Suffering is temporary. Let’s welcome the light and gain a new perspective on our pain—let’s see it Through the Eyes of a Lion.
In this two-week series, Pastor Levi Lusko of Fresh Life Church talks about how the life and death of his daughter Lenya have shaped his family since her passing.
· Turn Off the Dark, Week 1: Pastor Levi uses 2 Timothy 1:10 to show how Jesus turned off the darkness and brought life through the Gospel. Pastor Levi gives four ways to make it through grief, from remembering how close Heaven is, sticking together in LifeGroups, facing our pain head-on, and calling on God.
· Through the Eyes of a Lion, Week 2: Using 2 Corinthians 4:16, Pastor Levi shows us how to look at our pain and see the power we have in Christ. We need to look at life through the “telescope of faith”—to understand that God is faithful even in what we can’t see. We can’t rely on the naked eye. We should train for the trials we’re not yet in and we must let God use our pain.
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Through the Eyes of a Lion
10 days