What Difference Do I Make? - Switch
What Difference Do I Make? - Switch

Week 1 of this message series was originally ran for Easter. Keep this in mind as you plan your schedule. This series also includes assets for Switch Fights Human Trafficking, one of the Switch fall events! In this group, Switch Fights Human Trafficking is slated with the Week 4 Message. 

We are going on a journey. A journey to become like Jesus for the sake of others. In the process, we are tackling some of the biggest questions we all must face—questions of identity, purpose, and belonging. Who is God? Who am I? What difference do I make? These questions are all wrapped up into one another, because what we believe about God shapes what we believe about everything else. For the next 6 weeks, we are going to discover what it is we have been called and created to do. A life full of meaning and purpose is available to each one of us, because we are invited into a relationship with the Caller and an apprenticeship under the Rabbi who redeemed the world. 

Week 1: Work 

Week 2: Worship (Live Speak)

Week 3: Serve 

Week 4: Trust (Switch Fights Human Trafficking)

Week 5: Remain 

Week 6: Testify 

Week one, we are going to learn that God’s original purpose for humanity was to work with Him and for Him in the garden, and how, because of Jesus, we can be restored as partners with God by loving Him and loving others. Week 1 is the message intended to play the week leading up to Easter. 

Week two is all about our calling to worship the God who redeemed and rescued us from the bondage of sin. We’re going to unpack the meaning of worship to show our students that worship is not just the songs we sing, worship is about the life we live. 

During week three, we’re talking about what it means to serve others humbly. Because our King Jesus, according to Scripture, did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. 

For week four, we’re stepping into the first part of John 15 to help our students understand the invitation they’ve been given to trust their Heavenly Father. 

Week five is picking up where we left on in John 15 by learning what it means to remain in Jesus’ love. Hint: The answer is in the text, and once you see it, you can’t unsee it. 

Finally, in week six, we are closing out this series and this chapter of John by accepting the invitation we have been given to testify about what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will do because of Jesus.