Disciple-Making Disciples - Switch
Disciple-Making Disciples - Switch

This semester we have started a journey. The journey of becoming like Jesus for the sake of others. In the process, we have tackled some of the biggest questions we all must face—questions of identity, purpose, and belonging. Who is God? Who am I? What difference do I make? We discovered that these questions are all wrapped up into one another, because what we believe about God shapes what we believe about everything else. We have discovered more about the character and nature of God, learned to root our identity in the truth of who He says that we are, and unpacked the calling we have been given to make a difference. As we bring this semester to a close, we want to remember what this journey has always been about—becoming like Jesus for the sake of others. Because being a fully devoted follower of Christ means becoming a disciple-making disciple.

This one week message can be given as a Youth Pastor (YP) Team Teach or a Student Team Teach.