The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached - Switch
The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached - Switch
MESSAGE OVERVIEW: We’re kicking off the year with a live speak from Youth Pastors all about the greatest sermon ever preached... and no, it is not this sermon... but the sermon that this sermon is about! The Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7. This message will set up the context to the three chapters of Matthew’s Gospel that we will spend the rest of the semester digging into. Along the way, students will discover the life-changing and eternity-shaping reality that the power of this Sermon comes from the power of the Person who preached it. MAIN IDEA: The power of this sermon comes from the person who preached it. TEACHING TEXT: “This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham...” Matthew 1:1 NIV