Be in step with Life.Church.
Pastor Craig begins every message by greeting Life.Church attenders, and then he says, “And welcome to our network churches around the world.”
He's talking to you.
Through the Life.Church Open Network, you can show Pastor Craig's sermons every week just like our campuses, and he prepares and preaches every message with you in mind.

Being in step with Life.Church is about more than sharing sermons. It's access to the strategy behind our scope and cycle of topics and events. It's the ability to bring in guest speakers like Judah Smith, Joyce Meyer, and Steven Furtick when they teach at Life.Church. If you're planting a church, it's a way to show high-quality content from the get-go.

Our creative team is committed to equipping you with current, relevant messages—we even create editable files just for you, so you can make every resource your own. Use the resources you find on the Life.Church Open Network as-is, tweak them to fit your colors, events, and branding, or refer to them as inspiration for your own assets. We simply want these resources to equip you to do ministry in your community.

Walking in step with Life.Church means you can share solid biblical teaching, free up sermon prep time to focus on pastoring, and join the momentum of Life.Church in global initiatives.
Our team works hard to make it easy for you to be in step with Life.Church.
Let us know you want to be in step with our content by signing up below.
View our scheduleto see upcoming topics and series, and download the new message video automatically via Dropbox every Saturday evening.
We’ll be with you every step of the way.
You can download resources anytime, but a benefit to being in step with Life.Church is that you'll get week-by-week training and tips on every message from our pastors. Learn how to leverage upcoming series to have the greatest impact in your church.
Be as close as you want to be.
To walk in step with Life.Church, create a Life.Church Open Network account first. Then you'll return here automatically to join our email list for churches walking in step.
Create a free account