Church Culture

Sample Develop.Me Review Email

This is a sample email we used to kick off the 2016 Life.Church review season. Feel free to use it as a model for your Develop.Me review season communications with your staff. Read more about tips for conducting a review here.

Hi team!

We are winding down 2016 and now is a great time to log into Develop.Me in preparation for the 2016 annual review season. Here are some things you may consider doing now:

  • Log into your Develop.Me and check out your 2016 goals. Do you have comments or status on goals you want to share with your leader? Or do you need to focus on a goal as the year end approaches?
  • Check your personal data. Does your title, pay, leader, dotted line leader and team assignments look good? If you notice any inaccurate data, please notify Employee Relations.
  • If you were hired before 10/1/2016, you will participate in the 2016 reviews. You should make sure your goals for 2016 are in Develop.Me.
  • Team Leaders, check your team members’ 2016 goals. Did you approve your team member's 2016 goals. Only approved goals will populate on the 2016 review. Please ensure all goals are approved ASAP.

If you are new to participating in the Life.Church annual review process, here is a basic timeline of activity.

The Annual Review Process

Phase 1, Self-Reviews: Each team member will do a complete self-review (complete the full review on yourself) and then have a download meeting with their team leader over their self-review scores and outcome. This is a great opportunity for the team member to share important accomplishments, growth and learning that occurred during the review year with their leader. Take this time to provide your own perspective on your performance. Self-reviews do not count towards the final review score.

Phase 2, Leader Reviews: Team Leaders and Dotted Line leaders will complete the review on their direct reports (and dotted line reports if applicable). Dotted line review scores are for information purposes and do not count towards the final review score. The team leader review score is the final review score.

Phase 3, Response: The Response phase is when each team member will sit down with their leader and receive their review feedback. They will learn their final review score as well as any applicable pay increase due to review.

A couple items to note:

  • Only team members hired PRIOR to October 1, 2016 will participate in the 2016 reviews. Those hired on or after October 1, 2016 will have their introductory (90 day review) in late December or early January and may start inputting goals into their 2017 review at any time.
  • Life.Church does pay for performance through our annual review process. Review scores will equate to an increase amount. Increases will be recognized in March 2017.
  • If this is a team member’s 1st time to participate in an annual review (they were hired 10/1/2015 to 9/30/2016) their pay for performance will be prorated based upon the number of months under review.
  • Not everyone has a Dotted Line Leader. Typically only campus ministry lead pastors (i.e. Youth Pastor, LGLM Pastor, Host Team Pastor, etc) will have a dotted line leader assignment. There are only a few exceptions to this norm.
  • The 2017 Annual Review is open and ready for you to input goals for 2017 at any time.
  • If you had a team or position change during 2016, your old goals should remain in Develop.Me. We are reviewing the entire year. The review process is flexible enough to allow context of team and position changes. Whichever leader is assigned to the team member when Phase 2 begins, will be the leader to complete the review process (complete the leader review).

More information and training will come soon for new staff and new team leaders (and everyone else as refresher). In the meantime, your leader, fellow staff and Employee Relations team are all great resources to answer your questions and provide insight into the Life.Church annual review process. Remember, our review process isn't just about rating past performance, but more about equipping our teams and ourselves for future growth and development. Looking forward to a great review season!

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