Small Groups Trainings

Small Groups
Alpha Online
If churches are not able to physically run an Alpha course, we recommend moving Alpha online! We firmly believe that as churches innovate in these unforeseen circumstances, God can reach an even greater number of people. Here is everything you need to run Alpha online!...
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Small Groups
City Changers Overview
What would you like to see as the outcome of your discipleship process? Hear Pastor Alan Platt share the vision behind City Changers Movement and how they intentionally lead people to know God, love people, and impact the world....
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Small Groups
Alpha Leader Training
Looking to run Alpha or a similar program for people exploring the Christian faith? This series of videos unpacks how Alpha is structured and ran to help you more effectively invite people in your community to explore a relationship with Jesus....
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Small Groups
How to Promote Financial Peace University In Your Community
Want to effectively promote your Financial Peace University group in your community? Below, you’ll find a week by week plan to make make your group a success. For images, videos, and print materials you can download to promote your group, click here . 6-8 Weeks Before Group Key Promotion...
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Small Groups
Why Become a Marriage Mentor?
Thriving marriages don't happen by accident, and there are several ways for churches to foster healthy, vibrant relationships. Marriage mentors, for example, can leverage their experience, insight, and wisdom to encourage younger couples to put Christ first and overcome any obstacles. In this brief...
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Small Groups
Why Lead a Married Small Group?
Joining a small group is a great opportunity for married couples to grow, learn, and experience life together. But leading a small group can open a couple to a whole new level of blessings and joys. To encourage potential leaders to take the plunge, Dr. Kim Kimberling discusses the importance of...
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Small Groups
LifeGroups: Building Leader and Attender Engagement
Hear from Campus Pastor and Life.Church Area Pastor Chris Beall about his tips for communicating about small groups in the right way and why August and September are the 'sweet spots' for building up LifeGroup leaders and attenders....
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Small Groups
Facebook Live: Recruiting and Onboarding Small Groups Leaders
We know people grow closer to Christ when they're in community, and we know that for many churches, August through September is the perfect time to help attenders find community through small groups. And that all starts with strong small group leaders. We were live on Facebook with Kayla Sieg...
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Small Groups
Small Groups: Sample Leader Onboarding Conversations
Great leaders help make the small groups in your church amazing! As you recruit new leaders, put them on sure footing with a great onboarding conversation. In these videos, you'll see examples of how to welcome a new leader to the team and what topics to cover in that initial conversation. Use thes...
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Small Groups
The Season for Small Groups
As you're doing church, you'll start to notice natural ebbs and flows in the year—learning to anticipate and leverage those different seasons can strengthen different parts of your ministry at different times. Here, we'll look at how for North American and Western churches August and September are...
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