
30-Second Theology


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Chicken wings. Half-time show. 4th downs. Crazy commercials. Church?

Yes, the Church can leverage the power of the football championship game to reach more people for Christ. In this training, we'll talk about ways you can use the big game to reach more people for Christ in your community.

Get the newest resource 30-Second Theology to reach people in your community who may not normally come to church. Learn more about leveraging the big game, commercials, and food to reach people for Jesus in this blog post.

Here are some additional ideas for your Super Sunday experiences:

  • Tailgate decorations and contests
  • Wing or hotdog-eating contests
  • Barbecued hot dogs and gameday food
  • Decorate your parking lot or lobby like a tailgate party
  • Make your church smell, sound, look and feel like the big game
  • Create easy game and interaction opportunities for kids
  • Volunteers and staff dressed in sports gear for the weekend
  • Best gameday outfits contest. All sports is more inclusive, not everyone is a football fan
  • Photo opportunities: get a volunteer photographer or hire one, and give each family a free pic!
  • Create a hashtag for your church so people can post their photo and tag your church