
5 Days of Leadership with Pastor Craig | Day 3: Give and Receive Feedback


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Day 3: Give and receive feedback.

As leaders, we have the responsibility to ask for and give feedback in a life-giving way. Why? Without honest and timely feedback your personal and organizational growth is always limited.

Feedback is one of the most important tools for personal growth, but how do you give and receive feedback?

As a leader, you can model how to receive feedback in your organization. In this short clip, I’ll talk about how to receive feedback, and you can watch the full episode as you lead your team to develop a culture of feedback.

Action Step:

Rate your team. On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the highest), how strong is your team at giving and receiving feedback? What could you do specifically to improve your feedback culture?

In what area of your leadership could you use helpful feedback? Who are three people you could enlist to help you improve?