
Improve Communication with Stage Time Drills


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At Life.Church, we don’t give “announcements.” We lead people to action. Because of this philosophy, leaders at our campuses set aside time weekly to practice how they’re going to interact with attenders from the stage. We call this Stage Time Drills.

A Stage Time Drill begins with a speaker doing a practice run of a specific communication to attenders from stage. Afterwards, their peers give feedback on what went well and what could be improved. Feedback is focused specifically on stage presence, transitions, and stories. Finally, the leader presents their communication again with the feedback implemented. With every round, the speaker improves, and the others learn tips and skills for improving their own stage presence.

In this training series, leaders practice their stage communication for either a 180 before the service or service close. What's a 180? It's the part of the service after worship and before the message. Campus communicators use this time to cast vision for a next step and prepare attenders to hear the message. It's three minutes in length, which is 180 seconds, hence the name—180.

We would like to thank the staff of Life.Church South Tulsa for allowing us to document their process.